TCM syndrome differentiation of Omicron infection

The symptoms of infection with the Omicron variant usually include fatigue, fever, nausea or cough, less sputum, etc. Patients can be treated by TCM differentiation.

TCM syndrome differentiation of Omicron infection

The symptoms of infection with the Omicron variant usually include fatigue, fever, nausea or cough, less sputum, etc. Patients can be treated by TCM differentiation.

1. Fatigue

If patients have fatigue symptoms, they can take HuoxiangZhengqi capsule to relieve them. Huoxiangzhengqi Capsule is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, which has the effect of relieving surface dampness and stopping stomach vomiting. It is mainly used for external wind cold, internal injury dampness stagnation, headache dizziness, fatigue, chest and diaphragm tightness, abdominal distension pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms. It should be noted that this drug should not be used for patients with wind-heat symptoms of Omicron, and it should not be used in the process of medication. However, it should be noted that drug use should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and unauthorized drug use should be avoided to avoid adverse consequences.

2. Fever

If fever occurs in patients, the Lianhua Qingwen capsule can be used to relieve it. Lianhua Qingwen capsule has the effect of clearing distemper and detoxifying, promoting lung and releasing heat, which can treat influenza caused by heat poison attacking the lung. Lianhua Qingwen capsule contains honeysuckle, forsythia, and ephedrine, which can treat influenza caused by heat poison attacking the lung. The common symptoms are fever or high fever. If the patient is deficient in the spleen and stomach, it should be taken under the guidance of the doctor, and can not be taken for a long time, so as not to damage the function of the spleen and stomach. Also need to pay attention to patients with wind colds, not suitable for taking the Lianhua Qingwen capsule. In addition, Lianhua Qingwen capsules should be used under the guidance of doctors in the course of treatment.

3. Nausea

If patients have nausea, they should follow the doctor’s suggestions to choose cold and rheumatic disease prescription, which includes ephedra, plaster, almond, Qiang Huo, draba, Guanzhong, dilong, Xu Changqing, Huoxiang, pelan, atractylodes, Yunling, Shengzhu, Jiao Sanxian, Hopua, Jiao areca, simmer grass fruit, etc. It can relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting to a certain extent, and patients need to be treated under the guidance of doctors, not self-medication.

4. Cough less sputum

For patients with less cough and phlegm, Xuefihuatu prescription with effects of promoting lung dampness and clearing heat and evil should be selected for relief, which consists of raw ephedra, bitter almond, plaster, coix seed, atractylosan, patchouli, artemisia annua, cuspidate, verbena, dried reed, draba nemorosa, licorice.

The patient should take the medicine under the guidance of the doctor and cannot dispense the medicine by himself.

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